GUMC All-Nighter 2023March 10-11
8 PM - 7 AM Hey parents! We are so excited for our all-nighter!
Please download below and fill out all of your teenager’s forms, waivers, and medical information. You will need to turn these forms in when they arrive at the church on March 10. Unfortunately, if we don’t have these forms, your teenager will not be allowed to attend the event. Drop off students with permission slip at 8:00 pm on March 10 at Gretna United Methodist Church, 11457 S. 204th Street. Parents will be called to pick up their teen if the teen leaves the building for any length of time and/or acts in a manner deemed unacceptable by the Youth Ministries Leaders and/or Parent Chaperones. Friends are welcome! Make sure they register below and have all permission slips signed. Download Permission Form
submit with payment at the registration table upon arrival