July 8 to 11,
Dinner is from 5:30-6:00 pm
How can you help with VBS?
Can you help make this awesome event a success? Here are some ways you can!
Spread the Word — Check with Gena Fuller if you want to hang a poster in your place of business or put a yard sign in your neighborhood.
Food — Sign up to help in the kitchen or donate food. Check your email for information or sign-up in the Narthex!
Volunteers — Sign-up using the link above! You can be a crew leader, station leader/helper, photographer, decoration helper, help with skits, snack-time helper, or other areas. If you plan to volunteer, please make sure you speak to Anna about Safe Gatherings training. This training is required by the Great Plains Conference to help with children and youth.
$$ Donations — Check out the fellowship hall where a list of items needed is posted. Take a cactus with the item and sign your name on the sign up sheet! Then bring the items back to the fellowship hall table when you have collected them. Please bring food donations the week before VBS.
Decoration Days — come for as long and as often as you can!