Chancel Choir |
Our chancel choir practices once a week and performs one Sunday a month during the school year. We are currently in need of a choir director as our previous director is working on her masters degree and has accepted a new full-time position with the Omaha Public School system. Anyone who is interested, please contact the church office.
Handbell Choir |
Our church has been blessed with a handbell choir but is in need of a new director. After 14 years of service, our most recent director has made the decision to retire from that position. Please let the church office know if you have a musical talent and would like to express that gift in this role.
The Joyful Noise Handbells are a group of people who come together to praise our Lord through the music of handbells. We are people who love the Lord and are not looking for perfection this side of heaven. Those in 8th grade and older who have a basic understanding of music are welcome to attend any practice at any time. We play in our 9:30 am worship service usually on the 2nd Sunday of each month September through May. Substitutes are in need throughout the year if you are unable to attend practices on a regular basis. |
Special Music |
Anyone who would like to provide special music during a regular Sunday or holiday service, please contact the church office.